
sticker removal Archives - Diggers Australia

Washing with DIGGERS™ Car, Truck & Boat Wash

Washing with DIGGERS™ Car, Truck & Boat Wash

By Jess @_prettyliving Nothing beats that “shiny car” feeling after leaving the car wash. A professional clean will improve the appearance and is an important part of a vehicle’s maintenance, however, it can also be expensive. Now what if I told you, you could get that quality clean and high shine finish at home for…

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7 ways to clean with DIGGERS™ Acetone

7 ways to clean with DIGGERS™ Acetone

By Jess @_prettyliving Acetone is commonly known for its ability to remove nail polish, but did you know that it also has several other uses? Note: DIGGERS™ recommend a spot test in an inconspicuous place prior to using this product Here are 7 ways DIGGERS™ Acetone can be used in cleaning tasks around the home:…

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