By Jess @_prettyliving
Nothing beats that “shiny car” feeling after leaving the car wash. A professional clean will improve the appearance and is an important part of a vehicle’s maintenance, however, it can also be expensive.
Now what if I told you, you could get that quality clean and high shine finish at home for only a mere fraction of the price?
That’s right, with DIGGERS™ all new Car, Truck & Boat Wash, you can! This heavy-duty formula easily removes dirt, grease and grime while providing a sparkling clean finish. It is concentrated so a little goes a long way making it a very affordable option with professional grade results.
Here’s how to use DIGGERS™ Car, Truck & Boat Wash to make your vehicle sparkle again:
1. Rinse the vehicle with water to remove any loose dirt or dust. A handy tip is to wash your vehicle in a shady position or during the cooler part of a day to prevent it from drying too quickly and leaving streaks during the cleaning process.
2. Pour 100ml of DIGGERS™ Car, Truck & Boat Wash into a clean bucket.
3. Add 5L of tap water to the cleaning solution and gently stir until a foam has formed.
4. Apply onto the vehicle with a microfibre cloth or sponge, wiping over the surface in a circular motion. Gently rub to remove stubborn dirt and grime. For best results, focus on small areas at a time, rinsing off the soap before it dries to avoid streaks. A handy tip when washing cars and trucks, clean the wheels last to prevent contaminating the bucket of soapy water, as these areas are usually the dirtiest.
5. Rinse the entire vehicle with water until all the cleaning solution has been removed.
6. Dry with a clean microfibre towel for a streak-free high shine finish.
Now all that’s left to do is sit back and admire your handywork – and your shiny clean car, truck or boat!
ONLY Available at Bunnings