Try these school holiday craft activities with Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol

Looking for ways to drag the kids away from their screens these school holidays? Here are two craft activities that can provide hours of entertainment, are easy, and won’t require an expensive trip to a craft store. Both of these activities require the use of Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol. Remember when it comes to actually using the Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol, this step should be carried out by an adult. 

Permanent marker tie dye tee shirts

Tie dye sounds like a fun idea in theory but if you’ve ever tried it you’ll know that in reality it’s actually pretty laborious and messy. Instead we recommend trying this tie dye cheat using permanent marker and Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol. 


  • Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol
  • White cotton T-shirt 
  • Cardboard 
  • Permanent markers (a variety of colours)
  • Plastic container or baking pan 
  • Bulldog clips


  1. Wash and dry the white cotton T-shirt. 
  2.  Insert a piece of cardboard into the T-shirt to prevent the marker ink from bleeding through to the other side. 
  3. Get creative with the permanent markers and draw some patterns on the T-shirt. One idea is to draw a coloured dot and surround it with different coloured dots to create a flower pattern. 
  4. Spray Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol into the centre of the ink design. The more you spray the more the ink will spread so start small and build your way up. Remember that this step should be completed by an adult. 
  5. Once you have a design wait for the T-shirt to completely dry and then use an iron to set the ink on the T-shirt. 

Hand decorated Christmas tiles

This is a fun and easy activity that you can do at anytime of the year. But seeing as Christmas is just around the corner, it might be nice to use this as an opportunity to brighten your home with some festive themed decorated tiles.  


  • Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Permanent markers 
  • Ceramic tiles 


  1. If you have some old ceramic tiles lying around the house you can use these. Otherwise you can pick them up at your local hardware store in any size you’d like. The tiles can be any colour you’d like however we would recommend white or cream.
  2. Clean the tile, making to remove dirt, dust or protective layering. 
  3. Here’s the fun part! Colour in your tiles using multi-coloured sharpies. If you are sticking to the Christmas theme maybe you want to use a lot of green and red but personally, we think the more colour the better. Let your creativity guide the way! 
  4. Add the Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol. There are a couple of ways to add Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol to your tile that result in different effects so feel free to experiment. You might want to simply spray the tile or pour some into a container and use a paint brush to apply it to the tile. Just remember that the Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol should only be handled by adults. 
  5. Seal the tile. If you are using the tile, simply as a pretty Christmas decoration to brighten a room you might not need to seal the tile. However if you want to use it as anything else (from example a drink coaster) it is probably worth using tile sealer. This will also help protect the tile from yellowing and fading over time. 

Diggers Isopropyl Alcohol is not only a useful product for fun craft activities it is also one of Diggers most versatile cleaning products. You can learn about some of Diggers Isopropyl

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