
DIGGERS™ Linseed Oil Quicker Dry Concentrate

DIGGERS™ Linseed Oil Quicker Dry Concentrate (Pale Boiled) is a pale boiled linseed oil treated with added drying agents to speed up drying time.


  • Timber sealer and protector for indoor furniture and cabinets
  • Wooden tool handles and sporting equipment
  • Thinner for artists’ oil paints


How does Linseed Oil work?

When linseed oil is applied to a porous surface it fills the pores and as it is exposed to the air it gels to form a protective film. The film is generally impervious to water, heat, scratches and most stains.

NOTE: Soak rags in water as spontaneous ignition may occur on drying. Dispose of rags by controlled incineration or at an approved landfill.


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